ThermiVa Va Voom

What does a large percentage of our female population have in common with Kardashians, an assortment of female celebrities, and with other satisfied women all over the country? They have had ThermiVa® non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation…and they are so happy they did!

Thermi what?!

ThermiVa uses radiofrequency, or thermal energy, to provide internal and external tightening of the vaginal area. This affords the patient not only a tighter look, but also a tighter feel during sex, increased sexual sensitivity, heightened orgasmic function, better urinary efficiency (sneeze with confidence!), and increased moisture production.

After the first session of therapy, most patients enjoy their results immediately without any downtime or recovery. Never before has a procedure been so simple and easy while providing our patients such life-changing results. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation with our all-female ThermiVa staff

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