In recent years, Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery has come under scrutiny for its rate of complications, with the procedure’s quick rise to popularity and unscrupulous surgeons both contributing to the problem. Studies revealed these safety issues resulted in part from the use of an incorrect and dangerous injection method. Thankfully, most board-certified plastic surgeons… Continue Reading »
Archives by Month: November, 2020
Today there are more ways than ever to address cosmetic concerns. Non-surgical procedures are increasingly popular, and new non-invasive treatments are being developed each year. However, the level of invasiveness for treatments varies and the terms used to describe how they work can be confusing. Here at the Swan Center, we’ve helped thousands of Atlanta… Continue Reading »
Dr. Joseph G. Bauer, founder of The Swan Center for Plastic Surgery, participated in Mentor Worldwide’s LEAD (Leadership, Experience and Development) conference held in Chicago, September 20-22, 2013. Mentor is a global leader in implant manufacturing. LEAD stands for Leadership, Experience, and Development in Breast Augmentation. The LEAD Council is composed of board certified plastic… Continue Reading »