Kudos to Jada Pinkett Smith for Tackling the Taboo of Vaginal Rejuvenation

While women have come a long way in the way we talk about our bodies, there are plenty of subjects that remain taboo in our society. Luckily, some celebrities are willing to open up about their own “hush-hush” personal experiences.

Actress Jada Pinkett Smith recently spoke candidly about vaginal health on her Facebook series, Red Table Talk. Here’s what she had to say about vaginal rejuvenation and why it’s important to speak out.

Women’s health & sexuality shouldn’t take a backseat

Our bodies change as we age, and that includes the appearance, sensation, and function of the vagina. While this is often a matter we keep to ourselves, Smith wanted to start a dialogue in hopes of empowering more women to be open about their experiences and take control of their vaginal health.

Smith got real about all the changes she’s experienced since childbirth and how vaginal rejuvenation has given her more confidence. After years of experiencing bladder issues, Smith turned to vaginal rejuvenation and began to notice her incontinence issues had disappeared after just three treatments. Reducing incontinence wasn’t the only benefit—non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation also improves sex, reduces vaginal dryness, and tightens internal tissues. It’s no wonder we see so many women coming to the Swan Center to try it out for themselves.

Smith’s final word on her experience with vaginal rejuvenation? “It looks like a little beautiful peach!” We think that’s a pretty sweet summary of the benefits of caring for your “lady garden.”

Watch Smith’s full feature on vaginal rejuvenation here.

Take a cue from Jada & give your ? some TLC

Now that it’s out in the open, are you ready to improve your vaginal and sexual health? ThermiVa® and the O-Shot are great non-surgical alternatives to the plastic surgery procedure labiaplasty and little-to-no downtime and offers amazing results.

If you’re looking for Atlanta vaginal rejuvenation, it’s important to work with an experienced professional who can make sure treatment is right for you and the provide optimal results. We’ve helped hundreds of patients gain more confidence, comfort, and pleasure with ThermiVa, and we’d love to help you too. Contact us today for a complimentary, private consultation!

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