Will I have Scars after Liposuction?

Liposuction Scars - Atlanta Plastic SurgeryClients from all over the Atlanta area come to see us for liposuction and understandably they want to know what type of incisions they should expect.

Any incision into the skin can leave a scar but those associated with the modern techniques of liposuction, like the ones we do here in Alpharetta, are very tiny and essentially invisible. Any qualified plastic surgeon can place an incision in a location where it will be difficult to see. Liposuction is also far less invasive than it used to be, but here are some facts you need to know about potential liposuction scars to help alleviate some of your concerns.

In the old days, traditional liposuction involved making a fairly large incision to accommodate a large tube (a cannula) which was inserted into the skin and moved around vigorously to loosen and then suck out the excess fat with a powerful vacuum. Today plastic surgeons most commonly perform liposuction using a much smaller, endoscopic size cannula. If liposuction scars do occur, they will be very tiny, nearly invisible, and should fade quickly.

Another type of liposuction we do here in Alpharetta is laser-assisted and ultrasound-assisted liposuction. When these types of liposuction are done, fat cells are liquefied by heat, making them easier to remove. These techniques are less invasive and typically cause less bruising and scarring. A consultation with one of our board certified plastic surgeons will equip you with all the information you need to decide on which technique is best for you.

If you’re concerned about scarring or want to know more about the procedures we perform, contact our office today. We will be more than happy to help.

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