There Are No Medical Reasons To Avoid Pregnancy After Tummy Tuck Surgery

tummy tuck side view Swan Center for Plastic SurgeryMany women find that their body can change drastically during and after pregnancy. After pregnancy, woman may find themselves left with loose skin, stretch marks, and separation of abdominal muscles.  These changes can vary depending on

  • the mother’s age,
  • number of pregnancies,
  • and the size of her children at delivery.

It is often easier for moms to get their pre pregnancy body back after the first child, but usually much harder for woman that have had multiple pregnancies.

Sometimes healthy eating and working out during pregnancy may not prevent the loose skin, stretch marks and/or separation of abdominal muscles, which is when women may decide to have tummy tuck surgery.

The tummy tuck procedure is performed to remove excess abdominal skin and correct separated abdominal muscles, thus giving the stomach a tighter, more toned appearance. Although most plastic surgeons recommend that women wait to undergo an Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) procedure until they are finished having children; it is perfectly safe to get pregnant after the surgery.

Women who have children after undergoing a tummy tuck can typically carry and deliver without any difficulty, understanding results may be affected by pregnancy and a revision surgery may be desired.

It is important for you to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to assess your unique situation so they can advise you on the best surgery to help you achieve your desired results.

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