In the Age of the Bralette, Where Does Breast Augmentation Fit In?

In the age of tiny homes, upcycling, and clean eating, minimalism is a concept more people are getting behind these days. And now, it seems that “less is more” is carrying over into bras and breast size preferences. On the red carpet as well as in that ubiquitous icon of breast aesthetics, Victoria’s Secret, we’re seeing a shift away from bombshell silhouettes in favor of less prominent cleavage, a more natural size and shape, and more non-padded options, including popular bralettes. Case in point: GAP Body has dozens of bralette options in their online store, with the underwire model now taking a back seat.

Considering we’ve been one of Atlanta’s top plastic surgery practices for over 20 years in large part due to our surgeons’ reputation for achieving beautiful breast augmentation results, you may wonder what our surgeons think of this current shift in trends. They embrace it! Our surgeons pride themselves on their ability to achieve a very natural size, shape and feel for our patients through breast augmentation. This has long been an area of special expertise and interest at The Swan Center. That’s because we’re here to help each woman get the shape that feels just right for their own body—a shape which will look fabulous now as well as years down the road.

The goal of a natural breast augmentation has always been shape over size

While fashion trends—and the breast aesthetics they favor—come and go, our plastic surgeons have always prioritized shape, symmetry and proportion over size. Their skill for enhancing a patient’s overall figure with the appropriate size breast implants—whether small, average, or large—is something that our patients have long valued, ever since we opened our doors back in 1993.

It’s never too late to change your shape…

The other side of the “less is more” coin with regards to breast augmentation is that we are seeing more returning patients who want to refresh their silhouette by downsizing breast implants. While changing fashion trends may have some influence, more often than not it’s a personal shift in aesthetic preferences—how many of us have the exact same taste at age 40 as we did at age 20?

For these patients, a revision procedure to replace older, larger implants with smaller ones is often the answer. In some cases, a breast lift is also necessary to address excess skin that cannot contract to the new, smaller breast size. In all cases, the patient enjoys a fresh start on her breast augmentation with brand new implants.

Ultimately, breast augmentation remains one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries for women despite shifting fashion trends, and an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon will tailor the procedure to achieve the breast contour that suits your needs best, regardless of size.

Smaller breast implants can make a big difference, while maintaining a natural look

This patient went from an A cup to a B cup, and is thrilled with her natural look. Actual Swan Center patient.*
Smaller breast implants can dramatically improve breast shape with a single A to B cup size increase. Actual Swan Center patient.*

We specialize in meeting your goals with Atlanta breast augmentation

If you’re looking for a subtle breast augmentation in Atlanta, make an appointment with one of our board certified plastic surgeons at The Swan Center. They will help you understand what’s involved with breast augmentation surgery, and you’ll get to try on different implant sizes to see how you might look with a small breast size increase—or a dramatic boost, if you prefer. Plus, their consultations are free, so you have nothing to lose by contacting us today. We look forward to meeting you!

2 Comments Posted to "In the Age of the Bralette, Where Does Breast Augmentation Fit In?"

  • March 12, 2018 at 5:42 pm • Posted by Suzanne | Reply

    I have huge breasts.. I’ve been seeing a Chiropractor for my back pain. If have a recommendation from my Chiropractor to get a reduction. could I get our insurance to help with the cost? I’m a DD and need to be a small B. My back and breasts are painful!


    • April 24, 2018 at 2:47 pm • Posted by The Swan Center for Plastic Surgery |

      Hi Suzanne, thank you for your comment. We would really need to see you in person to adequately address your question. Insurance policies vary widely in what, if any, coverage they offer for breast reduction. The best thing to do is to contact your insurance company to see what your policy states. Another good place to start is to schedule a free consultation with one of our plastic surgeons, who can help you understand if the procedure will benefit you. Our staff can go over cost information and payment options with you as well. To schedule, please call 770-667-0904. We look forward to hearing from you!

Comments Posted to Suzanne