Tummy Tuck for Men

Male Tummy Tuck - Swan Center AtlantaThe number of men undergoing a tummy tuck procedure in Atlanta is growing steadily. Men experience weakening between their abdominal muscles just as women do.  This leads to exercise resistant fat deposits around the midline that don’t go anywhere regardless of how many sit-ups and crunches he attempts. Excess skin and fat deposits are removed during a tummy tuck procedure, leaving a taught and defined look, free of excess skin and fat.

Preparing for a male tummy tuck is very similar to preparing for a female tummy tuck. Hydration is immensely important before a tummy tuck procedure.  Your Atlanta plastic surgeon will advise you to drink as much water as possible and stay away from things that dehydrate you like alcohol. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet before and after your procedure is recommended for optimal results.

During your tummy tuck consultation, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your overall health and examine your body for proportion. Your physician will also be examining your body for lax muscles, stretch marks, excess skin, excess fat, abdominal scars, and the shape and location of your belly button.

It is pertinent that you follow your plastic surgeon’s post-op directions. Most plastic surgeons will stress that there should be absolutely no heavy lifting for several weeks due to your newly tightened abdomen muscles.  Many men are eager to return to their regular workout routine, but it is advised that you slowly return to your routine in increments. A solid recovery is important, and the results are more than worth it! In many cases, a six pack long forgotten can be restored!

If you are a man considering a tummy tuck procedure, call the offices of the Swan Center for Plastic Surgery in Atlanta today and schedule your consultation. Their kind and discreet staff can answer all of your questions, and a plethora of techniques are available from their board certified plastic surgeons to fit your needs.

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